Wellbeing  Services
We provide health and wellbeing services to individuals to help with their physical or mental health needs. There is no need to be referred by an employer for this service. Individuals can contact us directly to arrange an appointment or enquire as to how we can help them.

We offer one hour support/coaching sessions to help individuals deal effectively with their mental wellbeing. These sessions help individuals understand how to heal from any root causes that have impacted and continue to impact negatively upon their mental wellbeing. These sessions can also help individuals gain insights, understanding, peace, and empowerment in their lives, and have been effective for many when previous avenues of help have not had the desired effect.

We also offer health consultations to help individuals deal with many long term physical health conditions that are affecting them. We gain a detailed medical history so an effective health plan can be formulated to help them, often when other avenues of help have not been fully effective.

To book a confiential session contact us via the contact form below or on: 07877420888.